The 8k Rule is Misused: New 7% Rule for PSE Stock Market Investing

For a lot of beginners, allocating 8,000 pesos isn’t possible. So instead, they set aside 1,000 pesos a month for 8 months to save on trading fees — or some other iteration like 2,000 pesos a month for 4 months. But is this a wise decision? Does the 8k Rule apply to long-term investments in the PSE stock market?
In my analysis, Filipino investors may profitably invest less than 8,000 pesos if they believe the stock market’s annualized returns are around 7%
Is a Condo a Good Investment? Rarely… Here’s Why

Not all real estate properties are good investments. In fact, there are at least 9 ways a good property can be a bad investment. Unfortunately, we’ve all been accustomed to this “always buy real estate” mindset that sometimes borders a poor marketing gimmick. I surely was before I knew any better. That said, real estate is still one of my preferred investment classes. But it’s no longer with a buy-anything-real-estate approach.
Does Lowering Price Increase Sales? 2 Ways Math Says Yes and No

The answer to this question depends. In fact, lowering prices can either increase sales, decrease sales, or have no impact. But with a range of possible results, how can we then avoid blind guesses?
Which manifests in your business will depend on the product’s (or service’s) price elasticity. Stay with me, we’ll explain price elasticity with some practical applications and a simplified approach, even at the expense of economic semantics.
Are Foreclosed Properties Cheaper? A Revisited Truth on Why They’re Not

Gerry’s luck was turning. It was an ad. A very fateful ad. One that would breathe life into his dormant portfolio. It was an ad for foreclosed properties. Apartment buildings sold cheaper than branded subdivision lots; houses were selling for practically nothing. The stars were finally in place for an epiphany. All the knowledge from Rich Dad Poor Dad and his banking experiences were paying off. He went on and bought the best deals he could find.